

The Annual meeting of the GDR Quantum gases gathers the french community of scientists developping researches in quantum physics and photonics. It specifically adress topics related to cold and ultra-cold gases as well as quantum fluids of light.

The workshop of the GDR will be held on October 25-27 2023 in Bordeaux University Campus. It will cover recent advances in the field with a particular focus on Metrology, Fluids of light, Magnetism and correlations, Superfluids, Hybrids systems

NEWS : A wide audience plenary conference open to all will be given by Daniel Hennequin on the 26/10 at 18h in the amphitheater of the institut d'Optique d'Aquitaine on the subject :

Physique Quantique : Imaginaire et Réalité

Du chat de Schrödinger aux technologies quantiques.

The registration to the plenary conference is free but mandatory to enter the building. To register send a mail to with subject "Plenary conference registration" with the Name, Firstname, Nationality and date of birth of all the attendees. The first 150 attendees will be accepted.

L'inscription à la conférence grand public est gratuite mais OBLIGATIORE pour entrer dans le batiment. Pour s'inscrire, merci d'envoyer un mail à avec pour sujet "Plenary conference registration" en précisant dans le corps du mail les noms, prénoms, nationalité et date de naissance de toutes les personnes qui souhaitent assister à la conférence. Seuls les 150 premières inscriptions pourront être acceptées.


Invited Speakers to the workshop

  • Frederic Chevy
  • Aurelien Perrin
  • Radu Chiriceanu
  • Sylvain Nascimbene
  • Claire Michel
  • Clement Hainaut
  • Juliette Huyung
  • Guillaume Malpuech
  • Alberto Bramati
  • Thierry Lahaye
  • David Clement
  • Bruno Laburthe-Tolra
  • Patrick Cheinet
  • Juliette Billy
  • Baptiste Allard
  • Clement LAcroute
  • Quentin Beaufils
  • Jerome Lodewyck
  • Alice Sinatra

This conference is organized by the French national research network on Quantum Gases ("GDR Gaz Quantiques”) as its main annual event. This year, the conference will also welcome the scientific contributions from Exail, Pasqal, Welinq and Toptica.


The mission of the GDR quantum gases is to bring together the community of quantum gases in the broad sense by including the community of quantum fluids of light with that of ultracold atoms. These fields share the study of the same type of problems often arising from condensed matter but with a common approach to quantum simulation with perfectly controlled and characterized artificial systems. The experimental advantages and disadvantages of the different systems allow for complementarity between the studies and the field as a whole is characterized by a strong theory-experience link. The GDR will make an important contribution to technical progress, both experimental and theoretical, thus providing spaces for discussion and training crucial to staying at the forefront of the field.

Dear participants, you will have the opportunity to undergo a Lab Tour on Friday 27th October (3pm - 5.30pm). Research groups from the Cold Atom in Bordeaux teams and the LP2N will welcome you in their labs and present their experiments.


Deadline for Registration & Submission: Friday the 13th of October 2023 at 11.59 pm (Paris time)
The participation is free, however, registration is mandatory. You can register here.
The organization will cover for all meals and coffee breaks from 25 pm to 27 pm. Each participant book himself and covers for its own travel and lodging costs. Suggestions of hotels can be found in the section "practical information".
Note that registration can only be done with a account. Therefore, if you have one, please use it, if not, please create one.  
An evening POSTER SESSION will be organized on the 25th and 26th. To submit your contribution, please visit the submission page.






Organizing Committee

Baptiste Battelier

Simon Bernon

Andrea Bertoldi

Benjamin Canuel

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